导演:Kathleen Cartier Sandrine Gimenez
简介: 狂风呼啸,黄沙滔天从视线的最尽头,一头庞大的巨兽缓缓走来它沉重的步伐足以撼动大地,而自内而外的衰弱让四肢再也无法支撑它那山一般的身躯在绝望的吼叫过后,巨兽轰然倒地,动弹不得。在他的身上,寄居着许多弱小的人类。巨兽坚硬的背甲仿佛风蚀了数万年的丘陵,人们在夹缝中艰难求生,巨兽每一次的扭动都会给他们造成灭顶之灾。最后的挣扎过去,巨兽再也不动了。人类相互扶携,尝试着离开危险之地,而在巨兽肌肤最阴暗的角落,恐怖的寄生虫成为人类最后的威胁。 漫漫路途,人类将要前往何方……
主演:塔拉·斯特朗 RebeccaShoichet AshleighBall
简介: 主演:塔拉·斯特朗/RebeccaShoichet/AshleighBall/AndreaLibman/TabithaSt.Germain/CathyWeselu导演:IshiRudell/JaysonThiessen语言:英语地区:美国编剧:JoshHaber类型:动画/歌舞/家庭/奇幻上映时间:2015-09-26 别名:用户标签:动画,美国,美漫,剧场版,美国动画,pony,MLP,ACG片长:70分钟imdb编号:tt4450396Everyfouryears,CanterlotHighhas'TheFriendshipGames'wheretheymustrivalwithdifferentschoolswithaseriesofdifferentsportingeventsandeveryyear,thecuphasgonetoCrystalPrep.SoFluttershy,PinkiePie,RainbowDash,Rarity,Applejack,andSunsetShimmermustworktogethertowinthecup.ButtheyfindoutthattheotherTwilightSparkleisontheopposingteam.《彩虹小马:小马国女孩之友谊大赛电影网友评论》剧情越来越没逻辑,然而并不重要!!!这部歌大大好听过上一部!曲风和编排也丰富了许多!有制服和盘发TS!有黑化TS!有大师姐变身!逻辑喂狗我也愿意打四星啊啊啊啊——!#MLP#大师姐的黑历史时不时被翻出来,最后还要被自己拿来当嘴炮材料www真是辛苦了www不,那边的那只暮暮真的很闲,闲的都快长蘑菇了www前两天女儿选的,就看了,青春歌舞片+小马宝莉背景,也就是衍生产品,我才知道这是孩之宝的品牌。20161230我觉得比前两部都好看,大概是我已经接受了拟人的人设。大师姐好棒好棒的!大师姐吊打暮暮天道好轮回不信抬头看苍天饶过谁闪卫继续被嫌弃中闪卫喜欢的是马暮对吧……然而马暮喜欢的是人闪还是马闪……太戏剧化……一言不合就尬唱,但我就是来听歌的hhh反派的外形一集比一集……哦……不说了……电影版最喜欢这个!原本人类世界的TS!继续卖玩具不要脸不过反派的教唆歌好听不如前两部好看了,总黑我大师姐小女生动漫,风格不易接受
简介: 不是每个学渣都叫特能输,中考,高考,那些被无数考试压榨的日子,那些无论怎么努力还是会拉低全班平均分的日子总之,那些不堪回首的学渣生活,我们多么想拥有一个神兽,深夜偷偷帮我们写作业,然而,本片告诉你,如果真有这样的神物,就问你怕不怕? 生活从来都不容易,当你感到容易的时候,你的生活其实是在不自觉地走下坡路这则伪小清新动画实在是太腹黑邪恶了,嗯,谢谢“五搞三摸”把我们送进了大学本片是来自美国瑞格林艺术与设计学院的女学生Jiaqi Xiong的高年级设计作品,建模与动画采用的是Autodesk Maya。瑞格林艺术与设计学院是一所美国著名的专业视觉艺术院校,号称美国东岸的动画学校之王,位于佛罗里达州,是一所私立艺术学院。
简介: The idea of making this film came from two separate stories from middle school: The first one was during a health inspection, a lunchbox was found behind the television shelf at a the corner of the classroom, and inside of it were some gross molded food; the other one, a story told by our maths teacher, that years ago a dead body was found in the gaps of two buildings on the hill at the back of the school, molded and green - apparently this guy was a thieve who went out at night but ended up getting stuck there. My middle school was built around a hill, which gives the campus an interesting look - it goes up to the middle of the hill, and the end of it borders a neighborhood, where some complex, weird paths and buildings interweave. It has a humid and neighborhoody(idk what this means but) smell, just like the rest part of the city - the Guangzhou (Canton) city. Deep in its core, especially the neighborhoods, space is randomly divided by the buildings and their gaps, weird and unplanned, narrow and mossy - seemingly filled with all the secrets and twisted stories. They become a component of the people there, or the people become a part of them, and are buried and hidden inside the gaps. The kid's story is a story of a hidden memory, a thought, or just that part of himself, haunting and never-ending. It is also that part of him he left behind - the him that is dead in the gap. He hears the story, he believes in it, he becomes the story, he gets something from himself, he puts the story back. My generation grew up in the last bit of the passing-away old Canton, before Cantonese got widely banned at school. So, it has to be in Cantonese,hahahahaha Also my elementary school also borders some neighborhood, and me and my friends had a "secret station" on the highest floor of the last building, the second floor of which connects to a building where people live. I always wanted to climb through the fence in between. NOW I DID IN MY FILM wow I wrote a lot. Thanks for reading.
简介: A series of serendipitous events lead to an unlikely encounter and the fulfilling of an old man’s last earthly desire. Directed and animated by Luke Saunders Music score by Luke Saunders Sound Design by Ed Crocker Score mixed by Richie Buxton Special Thanks to Pixel, Nessa Edwards, Karen Luk, Kane Jorgenson, Jordan Lim, Disasterpeace / /198610344