主演:沈达威 谢添天 冯骏骅JunhuaFeng
简介: 导演:孙猛/王编剧:白北五/陈曦主演:沈达威/谢添天/冯骏骅类型:剧情/动作/动画/冒险制片国家/地区:中国大陆语言:汉语普通话首播:2016-06-29集数:12单集片长:13分钟麻神的剧情简介······ 网络动画《麻神》改编自白北五原作、李楚涛作画的网络漫画。动画由上海震雷文化传播有限公司负责制作。 在千年时光中,麻将界曾经影响着世界的格局,而每个时代中,引领麻将的绝世强者,就被称为——麻神!智慧和勇气的对决,意志与技巧的碰撞,真正的强者,凌驾于规则之上!来自海外的天才少年,将在麻将界掀起滔天巨浪,最终登临麻神王座! 2016年6月29日起每周二10:00在腾讯视频独家更新。 《麻神电影网友评论》麻将题材的动漫。人设和画工还算不错,配音也比较在线,剧情是比较传统的模式,情节展开紧张波折,牌局间斗智斗勇,诠释了很多麻将的知识、技巧和千术,很有看点。暗黑麻将界的设定也是可圈可点。只是时长太短,每集去掉片头片尾,只有6-8分钟,实在不过瘾。就是看不懂麻将规则。。。动画片头有点洗脑感觉总不在调上。。。。漫画也挺慢的哎呦,还不错啊,就是一集太短了,10分钟放个过场再来10分钟才行啊本来以为会有什么看头但是发现不够,看时长不够。还好,暗黑麻将界是类似暗黑料理界么r_r这每次就这么长时间,真的是走自己的路啊国漫终于达到20世纪初日漫的水平了你们不玩儿哈尔滨打法么……介玩意会有第二季吗66666663星半。。。。还不错!
简介: The idea of making this film came from two separate stories from middle school: The first one was during a health inspection, a lunchbox was found behind the television shelf at a the corner of the classroom, and inside of it were some gross molded food; the other one, a story told by our maths teacher, that years ago a dead body was found in the gaps of two buildings on the hill at the back of the school, molded and green - apparently this guy was a thieve who went out at night but ended up getting stuck there. My middle school was built around a hill, which gives the campus an interesting look - it goes up to the middle of the hill, and the end of it borders a neighborhood, where some complex, weird paths and buildings interweave. It has a humid and neighborhoody(idk what this means but) smell, just like the rest part of the city - the Guangzhou (Canton) city. Deep in its core, especially the neighborhoods, space is randomly divided by the buildings and their gaps, weird and unplanned, narrow and mossy - seemingly filled with all the secrets and twisted stories. They become a component of the people there, or the people become a part of them, and are buried and hidden inside the gaps. The kid's story is a story of a hidden memory, a thought, or just that part of himself, haunting and never-ending. It is also that part of him he left behind - the him that is dead in the gap. He hears the story, he believes in it, he becomes the story, he gets something from himself, he puts the story back. My generation grew up in the last bit of the passing-away old Canton, before Cantonese got widely banned at school. So, it has to be in Cantonese,hahahahaha Also my elementary school also borders some neighborhood, and me and my friends had a "secret station" on the highest floor of the last building, the second floor of which connects to a building where people live. I always wanted to climb through the fence in between. NOW I DID IN MY FILM wow I wrote a lot. Thanks for reading.