导演:Albane Hertault Lacoste Benoît Delaunay Maïwenn le Borgne Alexia Provoost
简介: 短片讲述的是一只本生活在幸福童年的小猫,却慢慢的要面对这世间最残酷的现实,一个幸福的家庭被病魔一点一点的吞噬,怨恨的种子最终在小孩子的内心发芽当生活美好的表象撕裂开来,我们将如何应对生命的真相? 该片人物造型设计独特,所有角色似乎有着一种瓷娃娃般的质感,尤其是在角色生病时,皮肤的开裂效果与瓷器非常类似唯美的造型,映衬出主题更显沉重,面对命运的不公与痛击,我们如何才能平复心中燃起的仇恨与伤痛,面对生死离别等人生的重大悲怆,我们该如何消化自我的无能为力? 《三只小猫》(Trois Petits Chats)由法国数码动画学院四位毕业生Benoît Delaunay, Albane Hertault Lacoste, Maïwenn le Borgne,Alexia Provoost联合执导,设计灵感来自公仔Pipos dolls,该片赢得本年度Best student short film(最佳学生短片) Effets Stars奖
主演:Justin Gregg Paul Tylak 妮可拉·考夫兰 Liz
导演:奥斯卡·乔纳松 Toby Genkel Gunnar Karlsson
简介: 主人公托尔是阿斯加德一个小村庄里的铁匠,但他的志向远不止此他梦想成为一名武士有一天,母亲揭开了他的身世秘密,他的父亲是天上瓦尔拉哈殿的天神奥丁奥丁从一名路过的小贩手中买了一把会说话的锤子,不小心把锤子扔进了人间。托尔碰巧发现这把锤子,和它成了无话不谈的好友。在锤子的帮助下,托尔实现了自己的武士梦想。正在这时,一名邪恶的底下女巫像阿斯加德发起了进攻,为的是寻找一件神奇的武器,而奥丁也遭遇了下属的叛逆,他必须寻求托尔的帮助。
主演:Ivan Tsekhmistrenko Andrei Leonov A
导演:Georgiy Daneliya Tatiana Ilyina
简介: 苏联电影《外星奇遇》(1986)/subject/1508411/ 的动画版续集 When two humans foolishly fiddle with an alien transportation device they are flung to a far off planet from which they have to try and find their way home.
主演:爱伊莎·玛依卡 Tella Kpomahou Tatiana Rojo
导演:Marguerite Abouet Clément Oubrerie
简介: 在2006年的安古兰漫画节上,玛格丽特凭借《约普城的阿娅》(Aya de Yopougon)获得了最佳漫画处女作奖,后来这个描写非洲市民生活的成人漫画成为了其代表作今年我们有幸见到由玛格丽特和她的丈夫共同执导的《约普城的阿娅》动画电影问世因为玛格丽特本人就出生在非洲的科特迪瓦,自然对这片象牙海岸充满了深情像这样描写其他我们所不熟悉的国家的写实主义影片是最应该牢牢抓住的,因为它既是一个动画片,也是一个纪录片,能为我们带来那异域的独特风情。
简介: The idea of making this film came from two separate stories from middle school: The first one was during a health inspection, a lunchbox was found behind the television shelf at a the corner of the classroom, and inside of it were some gross molded food; the other one, a story told by our maths teacher, that years ago a dead body was found in the gaps of two buildings on the hill at the back of the school, molded and green - apparently this guy was a thieve who went out at night but ended up getting stuck there. My middle school was built around a hill, which gives the campus an interesting look - it goes up to the middle of the hill, and the end of it borders a neighborhood, where some complex, weird paths and buildings interweave. It has a humid and neighborhoody(idk what this means but) smell, just like the rest part of the city - the Guangzhou (Canton) city. Deep in its core, especially the neighborhoods, space is randomly divided by the buildings and their gaps, weird and unplanned, narrow and mossy - seemingly filled with all the secrets and twisted stories. They become a component of the people there, or the people become a part of them, and are buried and hidden inside the gaps. The kid's story is a story of a hidden memory, a thought, or just that part of himself, haunting and never-ending. It is also that part of him he left behind - the him that is dead in the gap. He hears the story, he believes in it, he becomes the story, he gets something from himself, he puts the story back. My generation grew up in the last bit of the passing-away old Canton, before Cantonese got widely banned at school. So, it has to be in Cantonese,hahahahaha Also my elementary school also borders some neighborhood, and me and my friends had a "secret station" on the highest floor of the last building, the second floor of which connects to a building where people live. I always wanted to climb through the fence in between. NOW I DID IN MY FILM wow I wrote a lot. Thanks for reading.
主演:伊薇特·尼科尔·布朗 格雷格·西佩斯 Romi Dames 格蕾·德丽
简介: 乐高的超级英雄美少女们,神奇女侠、蝙蝠女、女超人、猫女等再次齐聚,这一次,她们要揭发超级罪犯中学的罪恶真相