主演:Lorenzo Music ... Garfield (voice)
简介: "Garfield His 9 Lives" is divided into nine animated stories all centered around Garfield in different eras of time from prehistoric to futuristic space. In some stories Garfield takes on a new look. You will probably have your favorite story as some are more involved than others.
主演:Brad Garrett ... Big Dog (voice) M
简介: "Two Stupid Dogs" follows the lives of two dogs: the overly excited Little Dog (the dachshund) and easy-paced Big Dog (the sheepdog). These crazy canines don't know how to fit in the world, and they definitely don't have any know-how. They often find themselves in commonplace situations (going to the drive-in, walking through the mall, working on the farm), some not so common situations (stuck on a space shuttle, a contestant on a game show, getting mistaken for the prime minister) and even in some familiar situations (little red riding hood, Noah's ark, and Hanzel and Gretel). But no matter the situation, their stupidity usually leads them to calamitous results. Written by [email protected]
主演:Ellie Beaven Rowan D'Albert Russell
简介: 很久很久以前,汤姆和妹妹爱丽住在一个平凡的小镇,过着平凡的生活可是,住在冰宫里的白雪皇后(听歌)却想统治全世界,让大家的生活不再平静邪恶的白雪皇后制造了一面很大很大的镜子,她想把地球上的阳光折射出去,这样世界就会结冻,变成她的天下没想到,镜子在运送过程中竟然被愚蠢的精灵摔碎了,恶魔的镜子碎片散落人间,其中一片掉进汤姆的眼睛,还有一片则刺进了他的心脏。从此原本善良的汤姆看所有事物都变的很丑陋,甚至变的冷酷,疏离朋友和家人。 魔镜的破碎让白雪女王大怒,为了重新把镜子补好,她设下诡计,绑架了汤姆,想找回碎片,并让小男孩汤姆为她修补破损的镜子。爱丽赶紧展开抢救之旅,她要赶在白雪皇后很逞之前救回汤姆。爱丽一路上历经了许多险境,并遇到一些奇怪又有趣的人们。 拯救之路漫长而艰辛,为了不至于在潮湿阴暗的森林里过夜,爱丽和她的好朋友小鸟决定向一个古怪的老太婆求宿。没想到,却把自己推向了危险的边缘,险些丧命。经历过这次磨难后,爱丽和小鸟已变得胆战心惊,不愿再轻易相信(听歌)别人。但为了救哥哥(听歌),爱丽还是执意跟随乌鸦管家去可爱公主(听歌)的宫殿走一遭。这次虽然没有遇到坏人,但也没有找到哥哥,这让爱丽很失望。为了帮助这个可怜的小女孩,好心的公主特意送给了爱丽一辆漂亮的雪地汽车。没想到,这却给爱丽带来了麻烦。 豪华的汽车让爱丽成为了老鼠强盗们的目标,并被关押了起来。在那里,爱丽认识了胆小自卑的驯鹿,并在它的帮助下,找到了飞行学校的印第安奶奶弗莱达。这是一个有着神秘色彩的老太太,在爱丽的恳求下,她决定和小女孩一同前往危险重重的北极去救她的哥哥。 最后,经历千辛万苦,在印第安奶奶弗莱达帮助下,爱丽等人终于来到了白雪女王的宫殿,唤醒了迷失心智的男孩,解除了白雪女王的魔法。同时,女孩通过跟旅行的途中遇到的人们和动物的互相接触,被家人的爱和友情的力量支撑着,自己也在感动的故事中逐渐的成长。 精彩视点: 本片是改编自惊险、梦幻的著名童话故事《安徒生童话之白雪皇后》,整部动画片弥漫着温馨的气息,在生动有趣的故事中蕴含深刻的意义。而每隔一段时间穿插的歌舞也让这部作品具有与众不同的魅力,并成为当年美国最受儿童欢迎的动画片之一。 《白雪女王》这部动画片的改编基本遵循了原著的内容,但聪明之处在于编剧把邪恶的力量更加具象化,配以生动的角色造型和美妙的音乐,让人不禁置身于美丽的童话世界中。
主演:Masako Nozawa Hiromi Tsuru Naoki
简介: 在杳无人迹的包子山中,生活着一个无忧无虑、天真纯洁的男孩,名叫孙悟空他自幼和爷爷孙悟饭相依为命,并习得一身武功某天,他遭遇来自大城市的时尚女孩布玛布玛正在四处寻找龙珠,传说将7颗龙珠凑齐后便可召唤出身龙,继而实现心中的愿望。在布玛的怂恿下,小悟空随其走出深山,一路上遭遇了乌龙、乐平、普尔、龟仙人等伙伴。与此同时,实力强大的红缎带军也在四处寻找龙珠,为达目的他们不惜烧杀抢掠。为了龙珠,小悟空一方与红缎带军不可避免发生冲突。连番恶战旋即展开,而浩浩荡荡的龙珠传奇也就此拉开序幕…… 本片为《龙珠》剧场版,系早期故事的复刻,采用龙珠GT风格制作。
主演:Ana Lucia Alves Sébastien Chollet A
导演:José Abel Hilary Audus Christophe Vallaux Jonathan Hills 莱蒙德·库姆 Guionne Leroy Ken Lidster 吉米·村上 Stephen Palmer Monique Renault Pascal Roulin
简介: 01) VESTI LA GIUBBA, directed by Ken Lidster, music from PAGLIACCI by Ruggiero Leoncavallo (1858-1919). 02) LA DONNA È MOBILE, directed by Monique Renault, music from RIGOLETTO by Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901). 03) CARMEN, directed by Christophe Vallaux and Pascal Roulin, music from CARMEN by Georges Bizet(1838-1875). 04) VOI CHE SAPETE, directed by Pascal Roulin, music from THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791). 05) MADAME BUTTERFLY, directed by Jonathan Hills, music from MADAME BUTTERFLY by Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924). 06) PEARLFISHERS, directed by Jimmy T. Murakami, music from LES PÊCHEURS DE PERLES by Georges Bizet(1838-1875). 07) DU ALSO BIST MEIN BRAÜTIGAN?, directed by Raimund Krumme, music from THE MAGIC FLUTE by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791). 08) CINDERELA, directed by Stephen Palmer, music from LA CENERENTOLA by Gioacchino Rossini (1792-1868). 09) LE VEAU D'OR, directed by Hilary Audus, music from FAUST by Charles Gounod (1818-1893). 10) NOI SIAMO ZINGARELLE, directed by Guionne Leroy, music from LA TRAVIATA by Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901). 11) LAKMÉ, directed by Pascal Roulin, music from LAKME by Léo Delibes (1836-1891). 12) E LUCEVAN LE STELLE, directed by José Abel, music from TOSCA by Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924).
主演:Jim Cummings John Fiedler Ken Sanso
简介: 一转眼,克里斯托弗(Brady Bluhm 配音)就到了上学的年龄,要去学校报到了,这也就意味着,他必须离开森林,离开森林里的朋友们了克里斯托弗写了一封信给动物们作为临别留言,然而,动物们却误解了信上的内容它们以为克里斯托弗遇到了麻烦急需帮助,一拍即合之下,动物们踏上了营救克里斯托弗的旅途 憨厚可爱的小熊维尼(吉姆·库宁斯 Jim Cummings 配音)、活泼开朗的小猪皮杰(约翰·菲尔德 John Fiedler 配音)、聪慧好动的跳跳虎(保罗·温切尔 Paul Winchell 配音)、德高望重的猫头鹰(Andre Stojka 配音),在未知的远方,会有怎样有趣而又刺激的故事正在等待着它们呢?
主演:Geoffrey Arend ... Charles 'Upchuc
简介: Graduation is looming and the seniors of Lawndale High are busy with college preparations. Daria and Tom are applying to snobby Bromwell, which Tom seems sure to get into, while Jane faces rejections from local art schools and contemplate life without an art degree. Jodie applies to an African American college against her parents' wishes, while the cheerleaders look forward to school at Great Prairie State. In the meantime, Quinn gets a part-time job hostessing and meets a new friend, Lindy, who helps brush off some of that shallowness. But Lindy isn't as perfect as she comes off. The pressures and frustrations of college applications, misunderstandings, and growing up mount with full force as the 'Daria' TV show finales with 'Is It College Yet?' Written by Adam Spradlin
主演:Peter Herrmann Liz Stewart Aubrey A
简介: They're cute, they're happy, they're cuddly, they love life, and they die in the most gruesome ways - every single episode. Meet Cuddles the rabbit, Flakey the dandruff-ridden porcupine, Sniffles the brainy anteater, Lumpy the moose, Toothy the beaver, Giggles the Chipmunk, Handy the handless carpenter beaver, Petunia the sweet-smelling skunk, Nutty the glass-eyed sweets-loving squirrel, Splendid the flying super-squirrel, Russell the pirate, the ever-dancing Disco Bear, Flippy the war veteran bear with constant flashbacks, Pop the pipe-smoking father bear and his cub Cub, Lifty the kleptomaic raccoon, Shifty, his partner in crime and of course the Mole - also blind as one. Together, they experience life at its worst in their cute little world. And they teach us all a lesson of what can go wrong, no matter how cute you are or how hard you try.