主演:伊仓一惠 速水奖 榊原良子 山口胜平 安藤ありさ 山本百合子 若本规夫
简介: 太古时期,天庭部将帝释天弑杀天帝,篡得大权为弭除异己,他对修罗王一族展开无情屠杀,只有年幼的阿修罗侥幸逃出夜叉王、龙王、迦楼罗王护送阿修罗一路逃亡预言中摧毁帝释天恐怖统治的六星逐渐聚集,势将成为灭天之破。为了阻止六星集结,帝释天命令天军将阿修罗一行引至夜叉王的故乡。原来这里隐藏着一个连夜叉一族都有所忌惮的怪物,帝释天打算假其之手摧毁六星。如今,夜叉族的土地已成荒原,众人暂时栖息于此。入夜,神秘的蝴蝶出现,开始袭击夜叉王一行,他们陷入空前的危机之中…… 本片根据CLAMP的同名原著漫画改编,系该动画的OVA版。
主演:山口胜平 青野武 Takeshi Aono 林原惠美 日高法子 井上喜
简介: 暴雨之夜,小茜(日高のり子 饰)接到一通请求除妖的电话,除妖地点在流幻泽许多年前,天道一家曾旅行到过流幻泽,小茜在当地森林遇到过恐怖的怪物,关键时刻被一个少年救下,临别时还送给她一个护身符角笛随着时间的流逝,那段记忆被长久深埋心中这通电话唤醒了小茜对流幻泽的记忆和好奇,她留下一封信后只身前往。在当地,小茜重逢当时的少年真之介。真之介和爷爷居住在森林中的木屋里,辛苦地与受生命之泉影响而巨大化的动物作斗争。真之介当年为救小茜身负重伤,多亏生命之泉的水得以康复。然而生命之泉即将枯竭,这个少年命在旦夕…… 本片根据高桥留美子的漫画《乱马1/2》改编,系该动画的OVA版。
主演:Ana Lucia Alves Sébastien Chollet A
导演:José Abel Hilary Audus Christophe Vallaux Jonathan Hills 莱蒙德·库姆 Guionne Leroy Ken Lidster 吉米·村上 Stephen Palmer Monique Renault Pascal Roulin
简介: 01) VESTI LA GIUBBA, directed by Ken Lidster, music from PAGLIACCI by Ruggiero Leoncavallo (1858-1919). 02) LA DONNA È MOBILE, directed by Monique Renault, music from RIGOLETTO by Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901). 03) CARMEN, directed by Christophe Vallaux and Pascal Roulin, music from CARMEN by Georges Bizet(1838-1875). 04) VOI CHE SAPETE, directed by Pascal Roulin, music from THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791). 05) MADAME BUTTERFLY, directed by Jonathan Hills, music from MADAME BUTTERFLY by Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924). 06) PEARLFISHERS, directed by Jimmy T. Murakami, music from LES PÊCHEURS DE PERLES by Georges Bizet(1838-1875). 07) DU ALSO BIST MEIN BRAÜTIGAN?, directed by Raimund Krumme, music from THE MAGIC FLUTE by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791). 08) CINDERELA, directed by Stephen Palmer, music from LA CENERENTOLA by Gioacchino Rossini (1792-1868). 09) LE VEAU D'OR, directed by Hilary Audus, music from FAUST by Charles Gounod (1818-1893). 10) NOI SIAMO ZINGARELLE, directed by Guionne Leroy, music from LA TRAVIATA by Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901). 11) LAKMÉ, directed by Pascal Roulin, music from LAKME by Léo Delibes (1836-1891). 12) E LUCEVAN LE STELLE, directed by José Abel, music from TOSCA by Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924).
主演:Geoffrey Arend ... Charles 'Upchuc
简介: Graduation is looming and the seniors of Lawndale High are busy with college preparations. Daria and Tom are applying to snobby Bromwell, which Tom seems sure to get into, while Jane faces rejections from local art schools and contemplate life without an art degree. Jodie applies to an African American college against her parents' wishes, while the cheerleaders look forward to school at Great Prairie State. In the meantime, Quinn gets a part-time job hostessing and meets a new friend, Lindy, who helps brush off some of that shallowness. But Lindy isn't as perfect as she comes off. The pressures and frustrations of college applications, misunderstandings, and growing up mount with full force as the 'Daria' TV show finales with 'Is It College Yet?' Written by Adam Spradlin
主演:Kaya Brüel 利斯贝特·达尔 皮特·弗丁 Ditte Gråb
简介: 即使不会飞,也要走遍全世界! 小艾是隻不会飞的蚊子,他从小就以脚踏车代替飞行,满怀好奇心地探索世界;达玛是隻热爱跳舞的蚊子,她的舞蹈总是让大家心灵平静,沉浸其中;美丽的达玛对小艾一见锺情,静静等待他逐日成熟稳重有一天,在草丛中生活的两人,意外得知坏心的红蚁皇后-朵米拉 ,为了抢夺黑蚂蚁的地盘,派出红蚁兵杀掉黑蚁皇后,并将黑蚁当作奴隶使唤,而黑蚁公主在奶妈的保护下,虽然幸运逃过一劫,但却一无所有,四处流浪正义感十足的达玛与小艾,该如何帮助势单力薄的黑蚁公主,抢回她的国家与人民呢? 影片被评选为安锡动画影展观众票选最佳影片,同时作为了香港儿童影展嘉年华参展影片,柏林影展入选正式参展影片、安锡动画影展非竞赛片项目观摩片
主演:Tom McGrath Jeff Bennett John Di Ma
导演:Nicholas Filippi Bret Haaland
简介: 当Alex, Marty Gloria和Melman几个主角还在非洲悠闲度日(从《马达加斯加:逃往非洲》后),四只企鹅(首领Skipper, 智囊Kowalski, 最年轻的Private和最疯狂的Rico)已经回到了纽约中央动物园,并在此地执掌管理大权与此同时他们还要执行各种秘密任务,时不时地他们就要从动物园逃出来执行任务 正当这一队企鹅觉得自己已经运筹帷幄之际,新邻居——Julien,一只狐猴王搬来动物园现在企鹅们必须为动物园首领的宝座与之展开角逐。 四只肥嘟嘟、憨态可掬的企鹅简直喜爱到了无以复加的程度。这四只可爱的小家伙在动画片《马达加斯加》中作为配角出场,但是,它们的风头绝对盖过那四个言谈举止行为动作故作牵强滑稽状的狮子斑马河马和长颈鹿!你可以在这部影片的“附属产品”——《The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper》(中文译名:马达加斯加企鹅帮圣诞恶搞记)中欣赏到它们的精彩演出。
主演:Adam Carolla Jess Harnell Abbey McB
简介: While not surpassing the original show, the movie was pretty decent. Dave Jesser and Matt Silverstein are great comedic writers and still managed to put together a solid reminder of what Drawn Together once was. There were still plenty of good jokes written from each characters perspective. The animation was almost where it was during the television series. Xander in general as a character seemed to be a bit off, i don't know what the deal was there. I hope this is a beginning to the show getting a re-hash for at least one season. I had also hoped there would be more 10 per center jokes (jokes that only 10% of the people off the street who watch the show understand) but maybe this was them trying to branch out and get a larger audience to possibly rent or buy the film. All and all I give this film a 7/10. It's not for everyone and never will be... but if you have a sense of a humor and aren't afraid to laugh at what many would consider morally repulsive then you will think watching this was worth your time. If anything, you'll be impressed by Hero's new fine-ass lady friend.