主演:Geoffrey Arend ... Charles 'Upchuc
简介: Graduation is looming and the seniors of Lawndale High are busy with college preparations. Daria and Tom are applying to snobby Bromwell, which Tom seems sure to get into, while Jane faces rejections from local art schools and contemplate life without an art degree. Jodie applies to an African American college against her parents' wishes, while the cheerleaders look forward to school at Great Prairie State. In the meantime, Quinn gets a part-time job hostessing and meets a new friend, Lindy, who helps brush off some of that shallowness. But Lindy isn't as perfect as she comes off. The pressures and frustrations of college applications, misunderstandings, and growing up mount with full force as the 'Daria' TV show finales with 'Is It College Yet?' Written by Adam Spradlin
主演:Peter Herrmann Liz Stewart Aubrey A
简介: They're cute, they're happy, they're cuddly, they love life, and they die in the most gruesome ways - every single episode. Meet Cuddles the rabbit, Flakey the dandruff-ridden porcupine, Sniffles the brainy anteater, Lumpy the moose, Toothy the beaver, Giggles the Chipmunk, Handy the handless carpenter beaver, Petunia the sweet-smelling skunk, Nutty the glass-eyed sweets-loving squirrel, Splendid the flying super-squirrel, Russell the pirate, the ever-dancing Disco Bear, Flippy the war veteran bear with constant flashbacks, Pop the pipe-smoking father bear and his cub Cub, Lifty the kleptomaic raccoon, Shifty, his partner in crime and of course the Mole - also blind as one. Together, they experience life at its worst in their cute little world. And they teach us all a lesson of what can go wrong, no matter how cute you are or how hard you try.
主演:今田耕司 藤井隆 山口智充 Sayaka Maeda Seiko Ta
简介: 一天雨夜,青年漫画家西(今田耕司 配音)在地铁站出来遇见了初恋梦中情人弥(前田沙耶香 配音)西送弥回家途中得知了弥已订婚,随后,他被弥邀请到酒馆喝酒,弥的未婚夫也来了,西虽然嫉妒弥的未婚夫,但自愧不如这时,黑社会来到店里,原来弥被黑社会所追杀,打晕了弥的男友并要强奸弥,西则蜷缩一旁不敢动弹黑社会发现了一旁的西,用枪爆了他的屁眼。前一刻,西还沉醉于与初恋梦中情人相逢时的甜蜜,下一刻就肛门中枪,贯穿脑部,死于非命。当西等人上了天堂,西觉得自己死得很难看,后悔人生过得很窝囊,决心再度复活。他们一行人违反神的意旨,并回到地上的世界,却阴差阳错却来到了鲸鱼的肚子里,接下来又将会有什么等待着他们呢……
主演:Phyllis Diller 赛斯·格林 阿什顿·库彻 塞思·麦克法兰
简介: The special Christmas episode featured the second season short "A Very Dragon Ball Z Christmas", along with the first season shorts "Unsolved Case Files: Claus & Effect" and "Kill Bunny". There have been three other Christmas specials to date.
主演:Tom McGrath Jeff Bennett John Di Ma
导演:Nicholas Filippi Bret Haaland
简介: 当Alex, Marty Gloria和Melman几个主角还在非洲悠闲度日(从《马达加斯加:逃往非洲》后),四只企鹅(首领Skipper, 智囊Kowalski, 最年轻的Private和最疯狂的Rico)已经回到了纽约中央动物园,并在此地执掌管理大权与此同时他们还要执行各种秘密任务,时不时地他们就要从动物园逃出来执行任务 正当这一队企鹅觉得自己已经运筹帷幄之际,新邻居——Julien,一只狐猴王搬来动物园现在企鹅们必须为动物园首领的宝座与之展开角逐。 四只肥嘟嘟、憨态可掬的企鹅简直喜爱到了无以复加的程度。这四只可爱的小家伙在动画片《马达加斯加》中作为配角出场,但是,它们的风头绝对盖过那四个言谈举止行为动作故作牵强滑稽状的狮子斑马河马和长颈鹿!你可以在这部影片的“附属产品”——《The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper》(中文译名:马达加斯加企鹅帮圣诞恶搞记)中欣赏到它们的精彩演出。
主演:Adam Carolla Jess Harnell Abbey McB
简介: While not surpassing the original show, the movie was pretty decent. Dave Jesser and Matt Silverstein are great comedic writers and still managed to put together a solid reminder of what Drawn Together once was. There were still plenty of good jokes written from each characters perspective. The animation was almost where it was during the television series. Xander in general as a character seemed to be a bit off, i don't know what the deal was there. I hope this is a beginning to the show getting a re-hash for at least one season. I had also hoped there would be more 10 per center jokes (jokes that only 10% of the people off the street who watch the show understand) but maybe this was them trying to branch out and get a larger audience to possibly rent or buy the film. All and all I give this film a 7/10. It's not for everyone and never will be... but if you have a sense of a humor and aren't afraid to laugh at what many would consider morally repulsive then you will think watching this was worth your time. If anything, you'll be impressed by Hero's new fine-ass lady friend.
主演:爱伊莎·玛依卡 Tella Kpomahou Tatiana Rojo
导演:Marguerite Abouet Clément Oubrerie
简介: 在2006年的安古兰漫画节上,玛格丽特凭借《约普城的阿娅》(Aya de Yopougon)获得了最佳漫画处女作奖,后来这个描写非洲市民生活的成人漫画成为了其代表作今年我们有幸见到由玛格丽特和她的丈夫共同执导的《约普城的阿娅》动画电影问世因为玛格丽特本人就出生在非洲的科特迪瓦,自然对这片象牙海岸充满了深情像这样描写其他我们所不熟悉的国家的写实主义影片是最应该牢牢抓住的,因为它既是一个动画片,也是一个纪录片,能为我们带来那异域的独特风情。