主演:Brane Gruber Niko Gorsic Jurij Souc
简介: 原 名:Socializacija bika? 英文名:Socialisation of a Bull? 中文名:公牛的社会化问题? 导 演:Zvonko Coh, Milan Eric 类 型:动画/手绘漫画 国 家:斯洛文尼亚 年 代:1998 时 长:78分钟 色 彩:黑白+彩色 下 载:ed2k://|file|socializacija.bika.avi|549124096|D56DFA9AD38DBB13659FF9506699D12C|/ 斯洛文尼亚影史上的第一部动画长片(到目前为止可能也是唯一的一部),当然在东欧动画电影史上占有绝对经典的地位,想起东欧动画,大家可能只知道捷克,波兰,匈牙利等这些传统的动画制作强国,在国际上倍受称赞,其实东欧一些小国的动画制作水平也是很高的,比如克罗地亚和斯洛伐克,还有斯洛文尼亚,前南联盟瓦解之后,很多巴尔干半岛优秀的动画电影人分散到各个新兴国家,继续制作优秀的动画作品,在制作风格上他们继承了前南斯拉夫动画的独特风格,用手绘的方式创作带有很强的政治讽刺性和针贬时弊的动画,这些作品往往具有鲜明的东欧漫画色彩和政治幽默感,借以看似荒诞离奇的情节和怪诞疯狂的影像来隐喻创作者对当时社会和政治制度的看法,与我们所看到的西欧传统动画有很大区别,与时下充斥银幕的美日3D卡通的风格更是相距甚远而98年这部《公牛的社会化问题?》可以算是此类讽刺动画中的代表作了 关于这部动画,我想说的是无论是喜欢电影还是喜欢动画的朋友都应该好好地看一遍,真正优秀的动画作品它的艺术性和可看度绝对不会比一部好电影差,它是我这两年来所看到的最精彩的原创动画作品之一,看这部作品就像是经历了一场疯狂的梦,创作者几乎使用了所有2D动画的表现手法,而且每一个画面都是完全手绘的,其中还加入了类似老胶片一样的刮痕效果和大段极富创意的铅笔写意画面,加上古怪而急速的背景音乐和变幻无常的色彩,使整部动画充满了实验动画所特有的夸张而狂乱的气氛也许你从来没有看过如此疯狂而搞怪的一部动画,但如果你看过了,绝对会对东欧优秀的艺术动画作品有更深的认识。 本片在当时曾经被禁过,所以无法公开发行,唯一的机会只能是在欧洲一些著名的动画电影节上才能看到,无疑是一种遗憾。 1999年第42届德国莱比锡国际动画和纪录电影展的最佳原创动画金奖,2000年第15届克罗地亚萨格勒布国际动画电影节最佳创作奖。2004年入选国际动画协会所评选的20世纪100部最佳动画电影之一。
主演:Geoffrey Arend ... Charles 'Upchuc
简介: Graduation is looming and the seniors of Lawndale High are busy with college preparations. Daria and Tom are applying to snobby Bromwell, which Tom seems sure to get into, while Jane faces rejections from local art schools and contemplate life without an art degree. Jodie applies to an African American college against her parents' wishes, while the cheerleaders look forward to school at Great Prairie State. In the meantime, Quinn gets a part-time job hostessing and meets a new friend, Lindy, who helps brush off some of that shallowness. But Lindy isn't as perfect as she comes off. The pressures and frustrations of college applications, misunderstandings, and growing up mount with full force as the 'Daria' TV show finales with 'Is It College Yet?' Written by Adam Spradlin
主演:Peter Herrmann Liz Stewart Aubrey A
简介: They're cute, they're happy, they're cuddly, they love life, and they die in the most gruesome ways - every single episode. Meet Cuddles the rabbit, Flakey the dandruff-ridden porcupine, Sniffles the brainy anteater, Lumpy the moose, Toothy the beaver, Giggles the Chipmunk, Handy the handless carpenter beaver, Petunia the sweet-smelling skunk, Nutty the glass-eyed sweets-loving squirrel, Splendid the flying super-squirrel, Russell the pirate, the ever-dancing Disco Bear, Flippy the war veteran bear with constant flashbacks, Pop the pipe-smoking father bear and his cub Cub, Lifty the kleptomaic raccoon, Shifty, his partner in crime and of course the Mole - also blind as one. Together, they experience life at its worst in their cute little world. And they teach us all a lesson of what can go wrong, no matter how cute you are or how hard you try.
主演:Kaya Brüel 利斯贝特·达尔 皮特·弗丁 Ditte Gråb
简介: 即使不会飞,也要走遍全世界! 小艾是隻不会飞的蚊子,他从小就以脚踏车代替飞行,满怀好奇心地探索世界;达玛是隻热爱跳舞的蚊子,她的舞蹈总是让大家心灵平静,沉浸其中;美丽的达玛对小艾一见锺情,静静等待他逐日成熟稳重有一天,在草丛中生活的两人,意外得知坏心的红蚁皇后-朵米拉 ,为了抢夺黑蚂蚁的地盘,派出红蚁兵杀掉黑蚁皇后,并将黑蚁当作奴隶使唤,而黑蚁公主在奶妈的保护下,虽然幸运逃过一劫,但却一无所有,四处流浪正义感十足的达玛与小艾,该如何帮助势单力薄的黑蚁公主,抢回她的国家与人民呢? 影片被评选为安锡动画影展观众票选最佳影片,同时作为了香港儿童影展嘉年华参展影片,柏林影展入选正式参展影片、安锡动画影展非竞赛片项目观摩片
主演:弗兰克·维尔克 艾米·希尔 埃德·欧罗斯 杰夫·贝内特 弗雷德·塔特西
简介: The film chronicles George's adventures as he befriends Kayla, a baby elephant, at a magic circus show and helps her travel across the country to be reunited with her family. Accompanied by his friend, the Man with the Yellow Hat, George travels by foot, train, and truck to reach Kayla's brother and sister in California, only to be accused of elephant-napping and brought all the way back to New York City. Luckily, Kayla's owner sees what a good friend George is and realizes how much Kayla misses her family. Kayla's brother and sister are brought to the circus in New York.
主演:Adam Carolla Jess Harnell Abbey McB
简介: While not surpassing the original show, the movie was pretty decent. Dave Jesser and Matt Silverstein are great comedic writers and still managed to put together a solid reminder of what Drawn Together once was. There were still plenty of good jokes written from each characters perspective. The animation was almost where it was during the television series. Xander in general as a character seemed to be a bit off, i don't know what the deal was there. I hope this is a beginning to the show getting a re-hash for at least one season. I had also hoped there would be more 10 per center jokes (jokes that only 10% of the people off the street who watch the show understand) but maybe this was them trying to branch out and get a larger audience to possibly rent or buy the film. All and all I give this film a 7/10. It's not for everyone and never will be... but if you have a sense of a humor and aren't afraid to laugh at what many would consider morally repulsive then you will think watching this was worth your time. If anything, you'll be impressed by Hero's new fine-ass lady friend.
主演:安迪·瑟金斯 托马斯·布罗迪-桑斯特 Emma Eliza Regan
简介: After several cycles of chemotherapy, fourteen-year-old Donald (Thomas Brodie-Sangster) feels he has little left to hope for. Director Ian FitzGibbon’s film, adapted by Anthony McCarten from his novel of the same name, is a poignant coming-of-age story with a dark undertone, addressing the most painful of circumstances alongside a rich and often humorous treatment of classic teen preoccupations.
主演:Trevor Devall Brian Dobson Michael
简介: Grievous lures Yoda away from the Jedi Temple and steals the Padawans light sabers. Dooku plans to use the crystals inside the light sabers to make Sith clones. It is up to Yoda and the Padawans to prevent Dooku from carrying out his plan.