主演:约翰·塞纳 妮可·加西亚 Brianna Garcia CM朋克 丹尼
简介: 当弗雷德不小心把家人出去旅游度假的钱弄丢的时候,他开始计划用他的头脑把钱再弄回来他打算举办一场空前的摔跤赛事,并说服一直都是他最好的朋友BarneyRubble(KevinMichaelRichardson配音)成为职业摔跤选手,他甚至作为发起人邀请那些非常受欢迎的摔跤选手加入,包括JohnCenastone(约翰·塞纳配音)和TheUndertaker(马克·卡拉韦配音)这场赛事引发了人群的沸腾,人们疯狂的从售票口涌入赛场,同时赛事的火爆也引起了世界摔角娱乐(WWE)总裁VinceMcMagma(文斯·麦克马宏配音)的目光该片由许多WWE摔跤手和相关人员为其人物提供他们的声音。
主演:格蕾·德丽斯勒 杰森·亚历山大 艾米·彭伯顿 乔·阿拉斯奇
简介:With the Wicked Witch of the West now vanquished from Oz, Tom and Jerry along with Dorothy are back in Kansas! But not for long as an all-new villain has surfaced from beneath the magical land, the Gnome King! Having captured the Good Witch, the Gnome King and his army are wreaking havoc throughout Oz and need but one item to take control of The Emerald City, Dorothy's ruby slippers! It's up to our favorite cat and mouse duo to team up, go Back to Oz and save the land they love. Take to the skies, courtesy of the Wizard himself, with Dorothy, Toto, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Lion as they make their magical journey. The laughs and adventure will roar as they encounter all-new frights and mischievous creatures down the Yellow Brick Road, 'cause "we're not in Kansas anymore!"
主演:格蕾·德丽斯勒 杰森·亚历山大 艾米·彭伯顿 乔·阿拉斯奇
简介: With the Wicked Witch of the West now vanquished from Oz, Tom and Jerry along with Dorothy are back in Kansas! But not for long as an all-new villain has surfaced from beneath the magical land, the Gnome King! Having captured the Good Witch, the Gnome King and his army are wreaking havoc throughout Oz and need but one item to take control of The Emerald City, Dorothy's ruby slippers! It's up to our favorite cat and mouse duo to team up, go Back to Oz and save the land they love. Take to the skies, courtesy of the Wizard himself, with Dorothy, Toto, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Lion as they make their magical journey. The laughs and adventure will roar as they encounter all-new frights and mischievous creatures down the Yellow Brick Road, 'cause "we're not in Kansas anymore!"
主演:马克·沃尔伯格 扎克·埃夫隆 阿曼达·塞弗里德 麦肯娜·格瑞丝 詹森·
简介:《史酷比狗》是史酷比狗的第一部大银幕动画冒险长片,讲述了史酷比不为人知的起源故事,以及神秘公司史上最精彩的惊世秘案 《史酷比狗》演绎了史酷比与其一生挚友夏奇的初次相遇,以及他们如何与少年侦探弗雷德、维尔玛和达芙妮一起组建了世界著名的神秘公司。如今,神秘公司已经解决了数百起谜案、进行了无数次冒险,但史酷比和他的同伴们发现,他们正面临有史以来最惊险、最具挑战性的神秘案件:一个将“幽灵狗”塞伯勒斯释放回世上的阴谋。当他们拼命努力想要阻止这一全球性大灾难之时,他们也发现了史酷比的秘密身世,以及他超乎想象的神秘命运。《史酷比狗电影网友评论》60/100。我是真的爱动画片,这样毫无新意可言的故事我都能给到三星。这算是一个早就在可能各种早期的冒险故事里就已经说烂的故事,在惊险刺激的旅途里发现友谊的力量和潜力的爆发等这类庸俗无聊的内核。没有像《变身特工》那样对于观众的另类讨好,在技术上也只是中规中矩地完成了自己的任务,完全可以加入可看可不看类的电影。不过影片中有几个点确实蛮好笑的,尤其是那个对《Shallow》的恶搞以及最后一出真相的处理倒是有点意思,不过除此之外真的没有什么了。以及字幕库的这个机翻字幕真的是要命啊……影片乐品倒还不错,为了我猹听到了结束。十多年过去还能看到神秘事物公司这帮人就很high了,顺应时代潮流用了很多新梗,像shallow和小丑回魂的房子,还有雷神兄弟,还挺好玩,剧本整体的套路跟以前的老版动画片基本差不多,没办法,这故事的创作局限就在那摆着,看完了还是挺开心的,这些童年老伙伴以全新面貌重新登场,我就很知足了。华纳好像是走火入魔了一样,拍啥都想照着LEGO的奇迹标准来,但这有意无意的dvd式的敷衍根本没法像塑料小人那样妙趣横生,只剩横行的老梗,卖弄庞大的IP库以及闪瞎眼的卡司——站在2020这个节点,回望十几年来CG动画把弄的俗套,算是唯一可乐的地方了。质量太差了,路人粗糙的跟模拟人生的角色一样,史酷比的配音很难听,主角性格塑造的极差,一点都不动人。甚至史酷比在被别人抱的时候也是开心和窃喜的,在高潮时的友谊渲染,都达不到打动人的程度。超级英雄线的混入,完全就是凑时常,把主角团都模糊削弱了。各种华纳自己的IP梗(AStarisborn,LordofRings,HPetc),感觉应该是面向成人的,但又拍的这么幼齿,就连画面也让人觉得应该是一个TV电影水准,而并不是一大票明显配音原本准备再电影院上的电影。3D化的动画效果外加刻意迎合当下观众口味的笑料和剧情,实在找不到一丝半点当年在cartoonnetwork看“叔比狗”的感觉,但是冲着主题曲,还是给个三星好了。zmz实习任务二我没看过以前的动画片这个系列第一次接触就是这一部好无聊啊不如去接和大佬的365天还是少说多做适合我既然受众不是我我就不替小朋友们打星了3/10。原来史酷比有一系列动画,看了这部后完全没有兴趣看其他的了。五人组模式居然毫无火花,甚至男主和狗狗的互动也一般般。决战也无聊到爆。幼稚到无以复加,同时抛开低龄化而讲,华纳能把一个这么经典IP的动画片拍成这么烂也是没谁了,整体节奏烂的和《神奇四侠2015》有一拼。看下来的感觉就是……一群人隔离期间不戴口罩到处乱逛最后疫情结束了对那群为了救他们累死累活的医护人员说“多亏了我们疫情才结束的”改得面目全非就是想吸引只看超英的年輕觀眾?拍成這樣只能趕人走吧。PS.試圖模仿小黃人的設計意圖實在太明顯了。美式动画和日本动画风格很不一样,从一闪而过的比基尼??就可看出这一点,daphne好漂亮,剧情没亮点。
主演:格蕾·德丽斯勒 杰森·亚历山大 艾米·彭伯顿 乔·阿拉斯奇
简介: With the Wicked Witch of the West now vanquished from Oz, Tom and Jerry along with Dorothy are back in Kansas! But not for long as an all-new villain has surfaced from beneath the magical land, the Gnome King! Having captured the Good Witch, the Gnome King and his army are wreaking havoc throughout Oz and need but one item to take control of The Emerald City, Dorothy's ruby slippers! It's up to our favorite cat and mouse duo to team up, go Back to Oz and save the land they love. Take to the skies, courtesy of the Wizard himself, with Dorothy, Toto, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Lion as they make their magical journey. The laughs and adventure will roar as they encounter all-new frights and mischievous creatures down the Yellow Brick Road, 'cause "we're not in Kansas anymore!"